The principal mission of the Town of New Windsor Police Department is to serve the community by protecting life and property, preventing crime, enforcing laws, and maintaining order for all citizens. It is essential for all members to remember that in the execution of our duties we act not for ourselves, but for the good of the public. We respect and protect the rights of all citizens and perform our duties with honesty, zeal, courage, discretion, fidelity and sound judgment.
Central to our mission are the values that guide our work and decisions and help us to contribute to the quality of life in the Town of New Windsor. Our values are characteristics or qualities of worth; they are non-negotiable. Although we may need to balance them, we will never ignore them for the sake of expediency of personal preference. We hold our values constantly before us to teach and remind us and the community of our ideals. They are the foundation upon which our policies, goals and operations are built.
In fulfilling our mission, we need the support of citizens, elected representatives, government officials and the criminal justice system in order to provide the quality of service our values commit us to providing. We, the members of the New Windsor Police Department, are committed for the following values:
- Respect Laws and Constitution
- Integrity & Excellence
- Accountability
- Cooperation
- Problem Solving
- Loyalty